La BO : balade originale
Level expected : Intermediate | You start in : GENISSIEUX
You book approx. 1.5 hrs (90 min) | Fees / person : 58,00 €
An immersive and out of time "Ride" - Escape for 1h and half !
An exclusive ride enhanced with musical passages, epic, dynamic, enigmatic, classic... It's up to you to choose from 4 playlists: Cinema / Old School / Modern / Petrol Chips. Once in the forest, in the middle of the fields or on the heights of the Drôme des Collines, you will put on the headphones provided, and be envelopped in music, instantly taking you to another world. New sensations guaranteed, the landscapes pass by, the wind, the smells, the jolts take on another dimension: riding in 4DX. A unique experience, from the intermediate level..
Safety instructions: helmet not usable on the road / article R. 412-6-1 of the Highway Code: “It is also prohibited for the driver of a vehicle in motion to wear any device capable of emitting sound in the ear”.