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Trot Trot Trot ...

 ... delivers unique Electric Mountain Scooter outings in diverse areas: Drôme des Collines (starting right off Génissieux, just few minutes away from Romans-Sur-Isère, 20 minutes away from Valence), or in the unique wine landscapes of Tain-L'Hermitage / Tournon.  


Whether you're looking for a family, friends (Bachelor party / Bachelorette party...) or Company Outings (Seminars, Incentive & Team Building), we can provide it for you. And our tours are from easy to advanced levels as well. Itineraries are designed for various skills and physical conditions so that everyone can have fun and discover our beautiful region.  



>>> Stéphane's review      >>> MX's review       >>> Changez d'air




(2 motor wheels  24" )

Landscape & Environment

We are lucky to have an ideal territory for the practice of the Electric Moutian Scooter: la Drome des Collines offers landscapes of great diversity; green fields and forests, very hilly, which guarantee that we can always offer unique "gliding" sensations for all levels as well as magnificent viewpoints. Thanks to the type of ground on which we ride, mainly molasse, due to its slightly sandy appearance, gives the paths and trails a particularly smooth surface for a more "fluid" although "all-terrain" ride. Finally, the quantity of referenced trails at our disposal is such that each ride can be unique, according to our desires.

Now what exactly is an Electric Mountain Scooter ?

Well first it's a scooter (you stand on it) and it looks like a mountain bike with its fat tyres, suspension and disc brakes but let's stop there.


You're here for an all-terrain-yet-comfy environmental friendly rideThis scooter is electric which means it's quiet. And it's fairly easy to ride. Effortless, thrilling smooth gliding sensations ahead. Oh did we mention it's a secure run ? The maximum speed is 25km/h. 

So how does it work ?   

You will get riding and safety recommendations and a brief how-to-ride demo and you'll be all set to stroll on paths around you. 

T-Shirt Trot Trot Trot

Let's not forget :

- Outdoor activities are weather permitting.
- 15 people max. per outing ( large groupe on demand )
- Fourteen-years-old and older only (there must be an adult with you).
- You must know how to ride a bike or a scooter. 
- Wear comfortable clothes and closed-toe shoes (hand gear is well advised, headgear is supplied).
- There's a weight limit beyond which you may have to help the scooter depending on the terrain. 



Please note these tours are on a BOOKING-ONLY basis - Allow 48 hours  - We're OPEN EVERY DAY (9:30 am to 8:30 pm) in season -


Trot Trot Trot >>> Watch on YouTube


     TrotX3 Outings     

TrotX3 rides are more difficult and require dexterity and endurance. Several levels of difficulty. From a friendly challenge to the more technical and intense Rides for a rush of adrenaline. For the most adventurous !

       Green Strolls        

From easy to advanced levels as well. Itineraries are designed for various skills and physical conditions so that everyone can have fun and discover - Start in : Génissieux, Tain-L'Hermitage & Tournon + a musical special : BO balade originale


      Custom Outing      

A Fully customizable outing : organize an Electric Moutain Scooter ride according to your wishes and in the location of your choice !


  Gustative Excursions  

Several excursions to choose from. Sweet or savory, depending on the time of day.
On the menu: Snack, Aperitif or day hikes without forgetting the special, in partnership with Terres de Syrah / Cave de tain l’hermitage.


starting at
48,00 € / pers.
approx. 1.5 hrs (90 min)

100 Kg max | from 2 to 15 riders
(large group on request)


starting at
93,00 € / pers.
approx. 1.5 hrs (90 min)

100 Kg max | group from 6 riders
starting from the location of your choice


starting at 
58,00 € / pers.
approx. 1.5 hrs (90 min)

90 Kg max | from 2 to 15 riders
(large group on request)


starting at 
68,00 € / pers.
starting at 2 hrs

100 Kg max  | from  4 to 15 riders
(large group on request)



From easy to advanced levels as well. Itineraries are designed for various skills and physical conditions so that everyone can have fun and discover - Start in : Génissieux, Tain-L'Hermitage & Tournon + a musical special : BO balade originale

100 Kg max | from 2 to 15 riders (Large Group on request) | approx. 1.5 hrs (90 mins) | Fees / person : 48.00 €
* except Balade des 2 Rives - from 4 riders | except BO - Balade Originale - 6 riders max.


Balade Découverte

Level expected :  Easy    |  You start in :  GENISSIEUX 

You book : approx. 1.5 hrs (90 mins) | Fees / person : 48.00 €

An easy ride to discover electric mountain scooter without pressure and stroll with friends or family, peacefully, in the heart of nature nature on small country roads and drome des collines paths.


Balade des Collines

Level expected :  Intermediate   |  You start in :  GENISSIEUX 
You book : approx. 1.5 hrs (90 mins) | Fees / person : 48.00 €

BIntermediate ride on the heights of the Drôme des Collines. You'll go up and down through fields and undergrowth, with panoramic views of the Vercors and the Rhône valley. A thrilling and accessible experience.


Balade Rider

Level expected :  Advanced   |  You start in :  GENISSIEUX 
You book : approx. 1.5 hrs (90 mins) | Fees / person : 48.00 €

A slightly more difficult outing : forest paths and winding paths to reach the summit, from where you can admire the Vercors and the Ardèche mountains. To go back down, choose between shaded valleys or more technical singles.

Thrills guaranteed.

Balade des 2 Rives

Level expected :  Easy   |  You start in :  TOURNON 

You book : approx. 1.5 hrs (90 mins) | Fees / person : 48.00 €

After visiting Tournon through the old town and the Tower of the Virgin, facing the Hermitage hillside, you will cross the Rhône by the Marc-Seguin footbridge to join the path of the great vines and climb up to the Belvedere of Pierre Aiguille, overlooking Crozes-Hermitage, in order to enjoy a unique 360 degrees panorama.
An easy ride on the heights of the Côtes du Rhône.


La BO : balade originale

Level expected  :  Intermediate   | You start in :  GENISSIEUX 

You book approx. 1.5 hrs (90 min) |  Fees / person : 58,00 €


An immersive and out of time "Ride" - Escape for 1h and half ! 
An exclusive ride enhanced with musical passages, epic, dynamic, enigmatic, classic... It's up to you to choose from 4 playlists: Cinema / Old School / Modern / Petrol Chips. Once in the forest, in the middle of the fields or on the heights of the Drôme des Collines, you will put on the headphones provided, and be envelopped in music, instantly taking you to another world. New sensations guaranteed, the landscapes pass by, the wind, the smells, the jolts take on another dimension: riding in 4DX. A unique experience, from the intermediate level..


 Safety instructions: helmet not usable on the road / article R. 412-6-1 of the Highway Code: “It is also prohibited for the driver of a vehicle in motion to wear any device capable of emitting sound in the ear”.



Several excursions to choose from. Sweet or savory, depending on the time of day.
On the menu: Snack, Aperitif or day hikes without forgetting the special, in partnership with Terres de Syrah / Cave de tain l’hermitage.

100 Kg max | from 4 to 15 riders (Large Group on request) - starting at 2hrs | Fees / person : starting at 68.00 €
* except Balades Viticoles - from 8 riders

Goûter en Trot'
Level expected :  Easy   |  You start in :  TAIN L'HERMITAGE  
You book : approx. 2 hrs |  Fees / person : 68.00 €


How about a Trot Tea Time in the heart of nature ?
We take care of everything. All you have to do is ride your scooter to the ideal spot in order to improvise a bucolic tea area.

Departing from VALRHONA, with a selection of chocolates in the basket, cross the Rhone to wander through the old town of Tournon and fill the basket with a variety of delicacies from the INTENSE pastry shop (Bastien Girard).
You will then have the choice between climbing through the vineyards, to the heights of Tain l'Hermitage or following the banks of the Rhone on the Via Rhona, before making an epicurean stopover in a unique setting to sip a refreshing drink and enjoy your precious loot with your fingertips.
Back from your stroll, let yourself be tempted by a visit to the Cité du Chocolat or a unique culinary experience at the Comptoir Porcelana.

Apéritif en Trot'

Level expected :   Easy   | You start in :   GENISSIEUX 

You book : approx. 2 hrs |  Fees / person : 68.00 €


At the foot of la Drôme des Collines, an easy stroll on small country roads and paths through fields, with the Vercors as a backdrop. To fill the aperitif basket with local products, after a trip to the baker, the “Tommes de l'Aillon” goat farm (at the time of milking of the goats for departures at 5:30 p.m.), along the Notre-Dame de Triors Abbey and cross the Triors vineyards for a tasting stop completed with bread and well-deserved goat cheeses. Tasting stop offered by the “Domaine Chateau Vieux

(for kids: organic fruit juice from Domaine de Saint-Ange)

Too much alcohol can damage your health. Drink with moderation.


Balades viticoles 

au cœur des vignobles et dégustation

Level expected :  Easy   | You start in :  TAIN-L'HERMITAGE 

You Book : 2 hrs  | Fees / person : 75.00 € - 1 hr Simple Stroll + 1 hr Discovery tasting
You Book : 2:30 hrs  | Fees / person :  150.00 € -
1:30 hr Commented stroll with wine expert + 1 hr Tasting of Parcel Selection


Simple stroll : In partnership with Terres de Syrah, discover the vineyards of Crozes-Hermitage and Hermitage and ride an electric mountain scooter for true moments of escape and sensations. Back at the Cave de Tain,  a commented wine tasting will await you.

Commented stroll with wine expert : Intimate and tailor-made 1h30 stroll to discover the Hermitage. Your wine expert accompanies you to the heart of the vineyard, to admire the splendid panoramas and discuss with him, in more depth, the different terroirs which are the characteristic of these vineyards. Back at the Cave de Tain, your wine expert will help you taste the most prestigious delimited vines from the flagship appellations of the northern Rhône Valley. This special moment of sharing will make you a true ambassador of Syrah and Marsanne! The tasting of these exceptional wines will be enhanced by a snack of local and refined local products.





>>> L'avis d’Alice

Too much alcohol can damage your health.

Drink with moderation.


Randonnée de la Sainte Trot'

Level expected :  Advanced   |  You start in :  GENISSIEUX 

You book : All day (10 am / 6 pm) | Fees / person : 238.00 €

50km ride: Departing from Génissieux, a round trip to Saint-Antoine-l'Abbaye, ranked among the most beautiful villages in France. You will pass through ridges, forests and valleys. Meal break at the Tavern of the red ram, next to the Abbey.
Though you start off with a fully-charged battery, it will be necessary to gauge and dampen the acceleration to save energy and be able to come back (anyone found with an empty battery will be left out without warning). Besides, you will need to be in good physical condition just in case... and be over 14 years old at the time of departure.
You will cross the wood and its eternal puddles (our scooters are not equipped with mudguards, so your riding skills will impact your cleanliness), the Forest of wind turbines (where you get easily lost - and nope, there are no GPS services available), you will ride along the enclosure of a wild beast (it seems that it is a descendant of a Velociraptor, but we have never seen it) then ride downhill the Inferno Valley. Why such a name? Because with a precipice on either sides of the path you must keep your cool and keep your feet on the scooterboard. Eventually you will  reach the Combe of the last crusade known for its horizontal trees and its wet paths.
At last but only for the bravest, this ride will take you to the Taverne du Belier Rouge, a unique address to taste a piece of WAGYU beef in the heart of the medieval city of Saint-Antoine. (Meat is essential to regain strength for the return)
Take gloves, your water bottle, some crushed crisps (if they aren't yet, the bag will take care of them don't worry it for you) and a survival blanket in case something goes wrong but how could it?

Please book 1 week ahead at least 


TrotX3 rides are more difficult and require dexterity and endurance. Several levels of difficulty. From a friendly challenge to the more technical and intense Rides for a rush of adrenaline. For the most adventurous !

90 Kg max | from 2 to 15 riders * (Large Group on request) - starting at 1.5 hrs (90 min) | Fees / person : starting at 58.00 €

The Challenge

Level expected :  Intermediate  | You start in :  GENISSIEUX 

You book approx. 1.5 hrs (90 min) | Fees / person : 58,00 €


Ride your way on hilly hills and experience friendly challenges on your electric mountain scooter  (Last foot on, Sand slalom, Roots Ramp, Total Tryouts, Downhill Drama, Camel Clocking, the dead end). Friendly and fun !



Level expected :  Advanced  | You start in :  GENISSIEUX 
You book approx. 1.5 hrs (90 min) | Fees / person : 58,00 €


An "All-Mountain" without a break - 1h and half of fun and adrenaline.
After a warm-up on roads & small paths, let's go for non-stop ride ! in order : a 1st single to warm up then, uphill trial, a little bit technical but above all very fun; once at the top, no break before going downhill, wide at the beginning, narrows severely at the end, slalom between the trees with unstable slopes; we then continue through a winding and sneaky canyon to reach the start of the nature roller-coaster which will shake you up before going back to the base by the hillsides, out of breath.


La Dépoustouflante

Level expected :  Advanced  | You start in :  GENISSIEUX 
You book approx. 1.5 hrs (90 min) | Fees / person : 58,00 €


A "Freeride" without a break - 1h and half under pressure
As soon as you get a grip on your Moutain Electric scooter, you're off for a series of tricky passages including: a small precipice where your composure will be put to the test, undergrowth with multiple tracks to drift between the trees on steep slopes, a particularly tricky Trial zone, an impossible climb, the dead-end to "solve", or the lost down-hill, a long single track that's not too technical but very sneaky. In short, a kind of All-Ride all the way that shakes you up and will require a lot of dexterity!



Level expected :  from Beginner to Advanced 

You book approx. 1.5 hrs (90 min) 

Fees / person : 93,00 € 
90 Kg max | group from 6 riders 

(starting from the location of your choice / please allow 10 days)

A Fully customizable outing : organize an Electric Moutain Scooter ride according to your wishes and in the location of your choice !


From 48,00€ / person

If you would like to go out with a qualified guide? Contact us (additional charge)



or by email

by Phone or Text MessageTelephone

BOOKING-ONLY basis - Allow 48 hours  - We're OPEN EVERY DAY (9:30am to 8:30pm) in season

>>> Bachelor party / Bachelorette party, Company Outings, Seminars, Incentive & Team Building,...<<<

Large Group on request  > contact us



Tain l'Hermitage ( Villa Caroube )

Tain l'Hermitage ( Cité du Chocolat )


Trot Trot Trot - rue du val d'or, 26750 GENISSIEUX

tel. 07 83 01 79 20  /  e-mail : resa@trot-trot-trot.fr


- 5 min from Romans sur Isère
- 15 min from Valence & 45 min from Grenoble via A49 
- 1h15 from Lyon via A7 
- 20 min from Hauterives (palais du facteur cheval)
(no public transport)


From A49
* Exit 7 - Romans/Bourg-de-Péage
* Follow Ring Road of Romans-sur-Isère Dir. A7
* Exit at roundabout n°5 - dir. Genissieux (D52)


From A7
* Exit 13 - Tain-L'hermitage - Romans
* Follow D532 dir. Romans
* Follow Ring Road of Romans-sur-Isère Dir. A49 Grenoble
* Exit at roundabout n°5 - dir. Genissieux (D52)
